The office OF THE SGA PRESIDENT, zack a. tucker
Major: Political Science
Minor: Speech Communication
Hometown: Marked Tree, Arkansas

  • SGA Student Activities Board member
  • SGA Election Commissioner
  • SGA Senate President Pro-tempore
  • SGA Senate Parliamentarian
  • SGA Political Science Senator

Thank you for visiting the Student Government Association website!  

I would like to encourage you to visit the rest of our site to learn how the various branches of the Student Government Association are working for you.  In the SGA, we are striving each and every day to uphold our motto, “Serving and promoting the individual student; unifying all that is UAM.”  We are honored to serve as the voice of the student body and the liaison to faculty, and administration.  

In SGA, our job is to not only make decisions regarding issues that arise each day, but also to accomplish the set of goals that we have set before you, the student body. We ask that you hold us accountable both for accomplishing those goals and especially for making responsible decisions on your behalf. To ensure that we make the informed decisions for you, we want to be hear your opinions on campus issues. Please contact any member of the SGA anytime though e-mail, and we will respond to you at our earliest convenience.

I hope that after visiting our website, you become interested in being an active member of the SGA.  There are countless ways for you to become involved, and I guarantee that you will find your place of interest after exploring the many cabinet, senate, committee, and volunteer opportunities available to you.

As President, I am chief executive officer of the Association and am responsible for executing all its policies and objectives.  The President oversees interactions with community bodies and serves as spokesperson for the Association and the student body.

Thank you again for visiting our site, and please feel free to email, call, or stop by the SGA office anytime! 

Zack A. Tucker
Student Government President
"United in Progress"
University of Arkansas at Monticello